Our key figures

€239.7 MGlobal revenue in 2022

2,3 B€administered insurance premiums

2.2 M beneficiaries

1.8 M healthcare partners in 185 countries

21 locations worldwide

33spoken languages


98/100 Henner’s gender equality index

65,000client companies of all sizes

75%of the CAC 40 are our clients


* Satisfaction measured with our policyholders on management quality, reimbursement times and the availability of our teams. Annual survey conducted by Moaï in 2023, based on a sample of 1,281 respondents (Henner policyholders).

The Henner Group obtained 98 points out of 100 on the gender equality index. This is a french indicator. This evaluation is the result of our convictions in favor of professional equality between our employees.

*indicator linked to French regulations.

Our locations

With 21 locations around the world, we are always close to our members.
This international reach allows us to cover 2,2 million people all around the world.

The key dates of our international development

1999 Singapore • 2001 Switzerland (Geneva) • 2007 Kenya (Nairobi) and Tunisia (Tunis) • 2011 USA (Boca Raton)
• 2012 Hong-Kong
• 2014 Portugal (Lisbon) • 2015 Germany (Berlin) • 2016 Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) • 2017 Côte d’Ivoire (Abidjan) • 2020 Spain (Madrid)
• 2021 South Africa (Prétoria) and Vietnam (Hô Chi Minh-City) • 2022 Indonesia (Jakarta)